How I Keep Organised
How I Keep Organised
I'm the kind of annoying person that is never late. In fact I am most often 10 minutes early, something my friends have come to name 'Lucy early'. Making plans tends to go a little like this...
Friend: "what time shall we go out?"
Me: "10? I'll pick you up."
Friend: "okay, but don't be Lucy early!"
I just can't help it! I'm a super organised, everything has to be in the right place at the right time, kind of girl. Before any holiday I will have a folder with everything we may possibly need; maps, restaurants, confirmations, tickets, itinerary, you name it, it's in there. It's a running joke that all Matt has to do is turn up with his passport, but that's a lie because I'll have hold of that too! I blame my anxiety, my brain works in a 'just in case' way. Got to be somewhere for 10? It's a ten minute drive, plus 15 minutes just in case time for traffic, I better leave half an hour. But in some ways it can be very useful, so here are my top tips and tricks for how I keep organised.
So, I organise how I'm organised. There are 4 parts.
1. My calendar
(Not pictured) with a separate column for myself and Matt, to see events on a weekly and monthly overview. This is ideal for events such as Birthdays, deadlines and holidays. I definitely recommend getting one with multiple columns, it's great for being able to separate events for each person.
2. My weekly planner.
This is great for breaking things down day by day. I can keep track of what lectures I have on what day.
3. My notebook.
This is for my lists (oh yes, I'm a chronic list maker) for everything from what meals we're having on what day and what ingredients are needed, to the specific tasks I wan't to achieve e.g finish my essay and checklists e.g party 'to do' list.
4. My workbook.
This little pink beauty contains all the information I need for work. What days I'm working, the hours I have worked, how much I'm owed, all contact details and the petrol receipts for my mileage. I definitely find it useful to keep my work life organised in a separate place.
And that's my easy way to keep organised!